Disciplining the Mind Indian-inmates in the Lunatic Asylums in the Nineteenth Century India
Kumar, Mukesh
Disciplining the Mind Indian-inmates in the Lunatic Asylums in the Nineteenth Century India - Vol. 71st Session, Malda, 2010-2011 - 2011 - 861-873p - 2010-2011
Section-III (Modern India)
Social and political discipline - Colonial society - Insamity
Medical treatment - Mental Asylums - Psychiatric hospitals - India - 19th century - Social life
Disciplining the Mind Indian-inmates in the Lunatic Asylums in the Nineteenth Century India - Vol. 71st Session, Malda, 2010-2011 - 2011 - 861-873p - 2010-2011
Section-III (Modern India)
Social and political discipline - Colonial society - Insamity
Medical treatment - Mental Asylums - Psychiatric hospitals - India - 19th century - Social life