Ghar-Bahir Dichotomy Women, their raj and marriage reforms in Mithila in the late Nineteenth Century
Jha, Pankaj Kumar
Ghar-Bahir Dichotomy Women, their raj and marriage reforms in Mithila in the late Nineteenth Century - Vol. 69th Session Kannur, 2008 - 2009 - 701-712p - 2008-09
Section-III (Modern Period)
Marriage reforms - Marriage system - India - Mithila - Socio-religious aspects - Nationalism - Singh, Maharaja Laxmiswar
Ghar-Bahir Dichotomy Women, their raj and marriage reforms in Mithila in the late Nineteenth Century - Vol. 69th Session Kannur, 2008 - 2009 - 701-712p - 2008-09
Section-III (Modern Period)
Marriage reforms - Marriage system - India - Mithila - Socio-religious aspects - Nationalism - Singh, Maharaja Laxmiswar